21.12 Make your own Mozart / Wurfespiele

Than told me about Mozart’s Musikalisches Wurfelspiel.
Mozart came up with a dice game, where by throwing the dice 16 times, the player would select 16 different measures, that together make up a minuet.

“For each measure, two six-sided dice are rolled, and the sum of the dice used to look up a measure number in one of two tables (one for each half of the minuet). The measure number then locates a single measure from a collection of musical fragments. The fragments are concatenated together, and “music” results.”.

So I decided to see what it’s like if you remake it with a Tenori-On like interface. – So you get more immediate feedback than with rolling dice.

The screenshots don’t say much, you really have to play it.
The music was provided by Than / greencouch.
And it’s just a sketch – to see if I could do it, and if it’s fun to play. I’ll be updating the handling of sound, and interface later.

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