- Cees Buddingh
- Sympathieke Architectuur
- Mijn dieet volgens vrienden
- FIXIT: Music ipad app
- drawing: Aromatisch taartje
- something with an animated gif
- NY Calendar
- recipe as datavis
- Somethign with movement
- Core 77: Powers of 10
- This is my….
- levotte leviens poetry drawings
- HTML: Font embed
- iPad app with recipes
- HTML 5 something
- Drawing: Squeezed like sandwiches
- FIXIT: IA/IxD Floss Manuals
- NY Subway Map (NYTimes project)
- Sewing paper
- FIXIT: ‘k ook multisensory cookbook
- Ferris wheel animation
Recent Posts
- JUL 12: Waving Signs
- 06.07 3D Effect / Bevel Emboss
- 03.10 bombs revisited again
- 03.10 Debate/brainstorm/teaching tool for Levien
- 03.07 bombs revisited
- 02.02 Dotje
- 23.01 Mapping Maffia Bombs in Chicago
- 15.01 Mapping the Collection pt 3: Interactive, and so much better
- 14.01 Mapping the Collection part II
- 21.12 Make your own Mozart / Wurfespiele